1. What is MBEC exactly? Is that like an english course or something like that?
- MBEC is not a place of English courses, MBEC is a place where you can sharpen your English language skills, learn English together and determine the ability of the English what is going on inside yourself and MBEC is also a place where you can learn how an organization stood and what the scope is happening in daily life.
- It's no need to worry. Well, each person may have been learning English since elementary school even pre-school and probably still takes practice to improve the English skills, but we are here to pursue the shared learning, with several programs related to public speaking, that might help you and improve the ability to speak english. we are here together to learn English in a fun way and joyful :)
- As we are one of Student Activity Units in Mercu Buana University, only UMB Students (Mercu Buana University Students) are allowed to register. We are available to register in early odd semester.
Best Regards: Mercu Buana English Club (MBEC)'s Team