Debate Class
Debate is the right place for you, who wishes to develop your English ability, not only in grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary, but also in the way of thinking, to use logic, common knowledge, as well as how to converse publicly, and in the same time, convince people. The ability to analyze the opponents' case and teamwork is also tested here. Sounds tough? But the payoffs sure are rewarding.
We are adapting 3 debating styles: Australasian Parliamentary, Asian Parliamentary, and the British Parliamentary.

"Taste and feel were so amazing when we discussed some topics. As i had been trained, i've ever won debate competition as the champion. Thanks MBEC, thanks my fellas of debate class."
(Chaerul Anhar Tanof)
"Debate class has given many benefits for me, such as improving my speaking ability, expanding my knowledge by granting and arguing the debater's statement in pros and cons."
All MBEC’s program is also related with MBEC’s goal, to improve English, especially Mercu Buana’s student and make English as second national language that also used in our daily activities and our life. So, if you want to join us, don’t be afraid to improve your english here.
Best Regards: Mercu Buana English Club (MBEC)'s Team