Public Speaking Class

News Casting Class

Here, we learnt not only on how to read news, but also how to behave like news anchors as seen on TV. We learn how to read news well and correctly, manner wise, delivering weather forecast, traffic reports, as well as doing an interview with a guest.

Story Telling Class

First, we learn first things first to erase every ounce of shyness that they may have in order to perform all-out when telling whatever stories they have. The ability to deliver the stories in an expressive and interesting way is the objective of story telling.


 "I got so many experiences in story telling class because of MBEC. MBEC makes my world brighter."

(Dinda Delishan Tahier)


"I think the coaching that the seniors of MBEC have been doing to us was totally worth it. First I came to MBEC I had no idea what the news casting was, or live report was. All I know was being annoying by whining and blubbering in English without any rule. But now? I can easily come up to the stage and start being (or pretending) a news anchor or doing live report. A bunch of thank for you guys."

(Dian Nieta Azizah)

All MBEC’s program is also related with MBEC’s goal, to improve English, especially Mercu Buana’s student and make English as second national language that also used in our daily activities and our life. So, if you want to join us, don’t be afraid to improve your English here.

Best Regards: Mercu Buana English Club (MBEC)'s Team