The Scrabble game may seem simple for some people, but when you explore it deeper, you will discover that arranging 7 tiles of letters into meaningful words is not that simple. Besides compiling words onto the board, you also sharpen your ability in finding the right strategy to win the game. Non only you will broaden your vocabulary knowledge, you also have the chance to 'show-off' on the board. So, to all words-lover out there, come join our class, we will be waiting for you in the next board.
Spelling Bee Class
A Spelling Bee class is a class where members are asked to spell English words and learn more about memorizing words. You may say it sounds easy at first, but after you try, you may find that even just a single word can twist your brain. Obviously, it's not as easy as ABC.

"Let's join our scrabble class, it's from us to you. By joining it, many things that we can get and reach. I have gotten many achievements and scholarship awarded by attending and winning scrabble tournaments. Remember that from a little thing, we can be something. Go scrabble!"
(Eko Tama Putra Saratian)

"MBEC has given me many chances to join the spelling bee and even scrabble class thus introduce me many experiences about strategy, memorizing words and enjoying many games in spelling bee. A great time with MBEC is the one of my best quality time ever. Thank you, MBEC."
(Kunrad Firmantoro)
All MBEC’s program is also related with MBEC’s goal, to improve English, especially Mercu Buana’s student and make English as second national language that also used in our daily activities and our life. So, if you want to join us, don’t be afraid to improve your English here.
Best Regards: Mercu Buana English Club (MBEC)'s Team