1. Banking
THBT government should not bailout failing banks.
THBT Domestic bank acquisition by foreign companies is a threat.
THW support the Islamic bank.
THBT BI has failed.
2. Capital Market
THBT Indonesia should limit foreign trader in its capital market.
TH Supports the Islamic capital market in Indonesia.
TH would say no to government intervention.
TH Would ban the Short Selling.
3. SME
THBT SME is ready.
TH would finance its SME.
THBT SME should enter the capital market.
THW cut taxes for Small medium Enterprises.
4. Economic System
THBT command economic is the best system to be implemented in
developing countries.
THB in capitalism.
THW change its economic system.
THB in the invisible hand.
5. National
THBT inflation rate will decrease in 2009.
THW implement China's economic system.
THBT Bapepam has failed.
THW ban strikes by workers in essential state service.
6. Trade
THW would stop its trade with China.
TH should postpone the realization of AFTA.
THBT Government should focus on developing Export of ETM.
THBT Free Trade brings more harm than good to developing nations.
7. Economic Policy
THBT tight monetary policy in global crisis will deteriorate further.
TH should prioritize environment rather than economy.
THBT cash subsidy brings more harm than good.
THW take ownership of bad mortgages.
8. Marketing
THBT Advertisements do more harm than good.
TH believe in WOM.
THBT Visit Indonesia year 2008 has failed.
TH Would ban the sponsorship of cigarette.
9. Open Motions
TH would debit rather than credit.
TH regrets its decision.
TH believe in the theory of Darwin.
THBT Big is beautiful.
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