Stocks Analysis

These are many software which you can use to play something in MBEC.
Hope it'll work.
This software is used to analyze STOCk MARKET.
Many instruments can be seen, such as your portfolio, stocks, bonds, etc.

The Stock widget allows you to keep track of your financial portfolio at all times. After selecting the Stock widget, click on the edit drop down and select "Edit Symbols". You can then enter in a list of comma separated stock symbols and save your data. The edit dropdown allows you to switch from the initial list view to a scrolling ticker view and vice versa. You can also completely customize the appearance of the widget by clicking on the color picker icon to change the background color, the background border to be square or rounded, add a transparency level and even add a custom background image.

For more widgets please visit

For more widgets please visit Free Stock Quotes

Best Regards: Mercu Buana English Club (MBEC)'s Team

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