MBEC join "Democrazy" in Metro TV

Guys, this is such a photo for our members in 2007-2008.
You can look and read his/her face (^_^). Isn't cool to put your photo in MBEC Events...?

This is Nukhran (on the right)--- our ICON in MBEC 2008 (hehe2x..) with our senior, Ms.Carissa (if I'm not mistaken that she is MBEC 2005)--she is cute, right...?

Although this photo is in 2008, I miss the situation in warmness, and gathering together with MBEC's members... In this photo, I (on the right) with Kurniawan (he is the President of LTP 2009---Leadership Training Programme).

Oh.... Nukhran again.... This is really boring.. Wkwkwk...
I don't know why he is so "sadar camera"..( I'm sorry for my comments...)
Best Regards: MBEC's Team

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